Miku Binder Hell

Documenting Miku binder Parodies for posterity (since no one else was)

What Are Miku Binders?

Miku Binders are parodies of the now imfamous "Miku Bider Thomas Jefferson", depicting a slave owner and child rapist as a bisexual transmasc coke addicted weeabo who wears a "met god, she's black" shirt and Hatsune Miku binder. This was part of a 4 part series of reference images for a modern college Hamilton AU.

The shocking diffrence between the real Thomas Jefferson and the one depicted lingered with people, and lead some artists to creating parodies of Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson with either conservative people, killers, and anyone else who you would not expect to be a flamboyantly queer [whatever the gimmick is].

Hamilton (Originals)

(from top to bottom)
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
John Laurens
Phillip Hamilton

American Politics College AU

(From Top to Bottom)
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders

Mass Murderers/Terrorists

I do not condone the actions of any of these people, some of these may seem overly offensive

Osama Bin Ladin

This is an edit of an original character, I do not know who made the edit. However the artist of the original character dislikes this edit and finds it offensive.

Ted Kaczynski (aka The Unabomber)

Ted Kaczynski (aka The Unabomber)

I could not find the original artist, let me know if you find it

Adolf Hitler

Orginal artist not found, and to be frank not wanted

Historical Figures/Real People

John F Kennedy

Ben Shapiro

Max Stirner

(submited by anon)

Arthur C. Fox-Davis

Angela Merkel


Poor fool who made this is Flakes (he/him).I've been hyperfixated on Miku Binder and its parodies for months now. There wasn't a place that had them all in one place, so I decided to make one. Yes I did make transbien cottagecore Ted K. (didnt know of the other Ted K one yet) I'll be updating this Carrd when I find/am sent new entries or artists that I couldn't find. The general formating won't change much.

How To Sumbit Entries/add new info

DM me on Twitter with perferably a direct link to the original post of the parody. I'm also fine with just a .png (preferable) or .jpeg of the image and the name of the artist/letting me reverse image search for it. If no artist is found then I will add it explaining that neither me or the submitter could find the artist. Please specify if you want to be credited for your submission, otherwise I will put that it was "submitted by anon" (if I dont specifically say that it was subitted, I found it).

If found the artist for one of these/the artist is wrong, then DM me on twitter with witch image you have an update on (ex. The artist for aroace Ted K is ____).

I will Not Accept Fictional Characters

I prefer Twitter, but Tumblr works, although It will take longer to update. I will let you know when I have updated the Carrd. Please don't just dm me "hi", say why you are DMing me (ex. "Hi, I found a new miku binder")